1105 West Grand Avenue Wisconsin Rapids WI

​​​​The body is designed to heal itself, if it has what it needs.  Mental, emotional and physical symptoms are simply evidence of a blockage in flow.  We realize the individual with the “problem” also has the solution. Pain simply indicates that there is something interfering with the free flow of energy. Love, compassion and understanding activate healing. That's what you will find at Perfect Balance Wellness Center.
Doctors today are trained to fix symptoms, seeing the body as broken, seeking to label the problem, giving it a name, a story. They then look to provide the right chemical or surgery to numb the pain or stop the symptom.
This approach will never ever bring practitioner and patient sustainable healing. It is simply a band-aid to alleviate the discomfort from the symptom and does nothing to address the root cause of the problem.

​The human body is designed to maintain health for a lifetime!!  The body is a bio-regulatory system, it is designed to regulate and maintain health.
When the body doesn’t have what it needs to maintain health, it speaks to us by creating symptoms.  Symptoms are simply a body's attempt to restore balance.  Symptoms stem from disturbances in the body's energy field caused by physical, mental and emotional trauma.  These disturbances can also be inherited.

In order for a body to maintain health, it must have adequate nutrients, healthy microbes to help with the uptake of nutrients and an open flow system for eliminating waste.  
More and more health care practitioners are realizing prescription drugs do not take care of the underlying cause behind the symptom.  Drugs target enzymes, silencing the body’s ability to self regulate.  It might take a little bit of time but the body will create new symptoms at a deeper level when silenced.  This is why we see patients on several
prescription drugs and the sick get sicker……..
As a result, many Health Care Practitioners are implementing nutrition and lifestyle education in their practice.  While it’s wonderful to see these changes taking place, many clinics have simply traded drug therapies for nutritional therapies.   This new approach is called Green Medicine.  Green medicine means using something natural to eliminate symptoms!  We must learn to think about health as not just the absence of symptoms but a balance of mind, body and spirit
True sustainable healing is the body’s ability to maintain a optimal level of health without supplements, strict diet, drug and therapy interventions. Green Medicine approaches work until the patient slightly deviates from supplements and lifestyle changes, then they generally plunge back into symptoms and ill health. My approach is to walk beside you, educate you and guide you as you navigate the path back to true health and perfect balance, without the need for drugs or supplements!



Emotional Stress Release

The effects of emotional stress and trauma on the health of the physical body and mental health can be devastating.  Innate Alchemy is a combination of many different techniques and philosophies that offer a safe and effective way of healing the lingering effects of chronic stress and emotional trauma. Clearing this repeating pattern of dysfunction can be life changing!

We use a variety of different energy modalities to address pathogens, improve autonomic nervous system function, clear, correct and balance cellular memory within the human biofield and prompt deep, restorative relaxation. This results in deep, sustained healing

Bioenergetic Assessment

​This cutting edge technology, referred to as 'Interrogatory Biofeedback' uses vibrational frequencies to detect subtle imbalances in the body's cellular energy. By piecing together these pieces of information, we can have a conversation with your body and identify remedies that will restore balance 

State of the Art Energy Modalities

Hours by appointment   7154599101

Perfect Balance Wellness Center PMA

Professional Grade Supplements

Professional grade supplements are made from​ only the highest quality ingredients and are lab tested and verified to be pure and potent.  Supplements are used temporarily to support the body as it returns to a state of balance and flow.  I trust Energetix, The New Human, Neurobiologix, Biotics, Desbio, Greens First and Nutri West.